Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Self Employment Expo!

The Self Employment Expo (
was recently held at the Oak Lawn Hilton Hotel
9330 S. Cicero Ave on Saturday April 2nd!

It was a bright crispy day and I want to personally say THANK YOU! to all the attendees who came out to the EARLY BIRD GETS THE WORM:
How To Get Business Funding Seminar facilitated by
Zelda Robinson of the Higher Learning Network,NFP!

What a wonderful opportunity to have met so many soon to be entrepreneurs as well as businesses/vendors in attendance who really made a difference!

The high rate of unemployment brought many of the attendees out of their
comfort zone, in which this conference was designed especially for them.
It was such an awesome experience to see all the attendees in the class
with so many wonderful start up business ideas, as well as those already
in business!

We so look forward to helping many more!
You can view the seminar online at YOUTUBE!
Simply type in Higher Learning TV Show Self Employment Expo 2011!
Until 2012, here's some photos!

For those who still need grant money info, please email us:

Men Taking Responsilbilty

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